If you’ve also bought the new “Super Smash Brothers” on the 3DS, chances are that your Analog-Stick also suffered some major or minor damage. From various source on the Interwebs it seems that many people suffer from completely breaking-off analog pads, whereas others report “sluggish” or “stuck” pads. We got the “sluggish” version. And i will show you how to fix it…
What seems to happen is this: Inside the linear / flat scroll mechanics of the pad there seem some holders which hold it at the right vertical height. These broke on us, resulting in the “pad” part of the analog stick sinking (“clicking”) into the device another 0.5mm or so. This again resulted in the rubber-cap rubbing on the case, which led to the pad not centering anymore. For SSB, this was … unnerving.
So i started to take off the rubber cap carefully, only to reveal this that the thin plastic carrier that was underneath the rubberbroken, causing it to “mushroom” down at the other edges, making the problem worse. Additonally there was the internal mechanic problem.
So, i considered just building a new rubber-pad-carrier, and glue that one on top of the leftovers of the old carrier on the DS-side. This will make sure that there’s plenty of ground clearance for the pad so it won’t get stuck anymore, as well as … well, make me have some kind of pad at all.
Here’s what i did:
The result feels and moves fine so far. I expect the glueing to be rather sturdy due to selecting the right kind of CA, and sanding/cleaning all the surfaces well. While the new pad is slightly askew and not 100% perfectly centered, this is something that you could certainly improve, but won’t notice as serious problems while gaming.