A few months ago a friend told me she had some bees wax lying around. She told me something about huge blocks and old age of the stuff … anyways, it turned out it was TONS, literarily TONS. We’ve had three huge round blocks, about 20-25cm high and 40-50cm (i’m bad at guessing) in diameter.
The whole event took us longer than expected, we started at about 18:00 and worked through until we started cleaning up maybe at ~24:00-00:30 – and hell, we produced a lot of candles, both pulled on their wick and casted into various cans and cups.
The Results were really really nice and everyone took their fair amout of candles home. Thanks again here for the suppliers of the wax ;P. If it should ever run out i’m definately planning on getting my own to make candles yet again. The way they look and smell is just too nice – and as everything you make yourself … its just somehow special :).
For a more detailed report and instructions you can also visit Saaviks Blog.