Companion Cube Plushie

So this is what I’ve been hiding for two months from NebuK (which was given to him as a birthday gift): a Weighted Companion Cube plushie from the game Portal. Literally everyone who has played that level is infatuated with this cube… I mean, it has pink hearts all over! And you have to carry it through the whole level. It just has to grow on you. Unfortunately, I don’t have any progress pictures. It has been hard enough hiding and making it without someone noticing who lives in the same room. Hey, for once I’m proud that I managed. Couldn’t help that our friends and maybe everyone in university knew about it since I did most of the work while lectures (NebuK was sick in bed at those two days ^^;).

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Backferment (special yeast) bread

Recently we’ve been into baking bread. Like, traditional easy bread thats tastey and available kinda quick after you’ve decided you wanted bread for dinner or supper. Anyhow those simple baguett-like yeast bread, even though they require quite some trying around to be able to properly handle the yeast properly to achieve a even fluffyer result … Read more